Aug 23, 2019

Noriko's Corner - Pumice Carving

Updated: Feb 4

Why and how did I start creating pumice sculptures?

My journey began when I started collecting pumice around Taupō. I have always had a interest in natural materials - I feel a strong connection to the earthly vibrations that come from stones.

In 2018, while doing my morning meditations, I suddenly had the strong urge to want to carve something out of pumice. I do not know where this intuition come from but I followed it.

I soon had carved my first Jizō statue. I was suprised as it seemed to have created itself without any thought or design of my own. I was unsure how long it took to carve as time seemed to have flown by peacefully.

My first Jizō statue gave me such peace and it gave off such a strong healing aura. I was overwhelmed by the whole process. Yet as quickly has the Jizō had appeared to me, it left to heal another person, being sold almost immediately after.

My first Jizō opened me to exploring other artistic forms from my Japanese culture. I am now carving Jizō, Buddha, Hakuryū (White Dragon) and Daruma statues out of pumice. I am also begining to draw and create Sumi-e of my inspriations on handmade Japanese paper and inks.

I plan to post more of my artistic endeavours in the future - please stay tuned.